This machine was research and development in our company. IT`s easy to use ,highly adaptab.
一:機器結構(Structure of machine)
Frame was made with international square steel tube and box iron by welding.The key position had been annealing treatment and gantry milling. So the frame has high stability and strength.
Two-part construction to assemble the machine. The first part is the artificial auxiliary feeding and transmission part, equipped with automated positioning system. The second paragraph contains the upper and lower knife cutting system, the cutting film system, the heating system, and the auxiliary discharge system.
二:機器參數(Machine Parameters)
1. 機器安裝尺寸:6735*5640*1412mm(預估)
3. 切割厚道范圍:3+X+3mm---8+X+8mm
4. 切割速度:1—2刀/分鐘
6. 龍門刀頭移動速度:0---80米/分鐘。
1.Size of machine:6735*5640*1412mm
2.Weight:about 4500KG
3.Processing range of glass size:400*400mm --- 3700*2500mm
4.Processing range of glass thickness:3+X+3mm---8+X+8mm
5.Cutting speed: cutting twice in one minute
6.Temperature and time of heating: Adjust by operater
7.Pressure of pushing and breaking: Adjust by operater
三 :機器配置(Machine configuration)(可指定配置)
1. 伺服電機:臺灣臺達
2. 驅動器:臺灣臺達
3. PLC及觸摸屏:臺灣臺達
4. 電器原件:正泰
6. 加熱棒:國產
8. 氣缸及刀體:國產
9. 刀輪:進口
15. 整機框架:方管自焊接
16. 鈑金罩殼:噴塑/噴漆
1.Motor:Delta SERVO MOTOR
2.Drive: Delta
3.Plc and touch screen: Delta
4.Electrical elements: CHINT
5.Program: Self-Design
6.Heatting tube: China
7.Timing belts and wheels: China
8.Air cylinder and knife: Self-Design
9. Knife wheels: imported from Japan
10.Draught fan: China
11.Transmission shaft: China
13.Proportional control valve: SMC from Japan
四:動作流程描述(Technical process)
Man-machine interface HMI setting system parameters such as glass width, length, under knife pressure, etc.一一mechanical placement of glass into the synchronous belt area of the cutting table一一Automatic transmission and positioning of glass according to the cut size of input(There's a location system)一一Knife head at zero一一Pneumatic lower knife, upper and lower knife wheel cut(There's an automatic injection system)一一Cut and lift一一The upper press starts the press, and the lower surface glass breaks open一一Under the top rod up the glass, the upper surface of the glass break open一一Heat bar, start heating一一The vacuum suction cup absorbs the glass on both sides of the tangent line and pulls the cutting seam apart一一Cutting film(PVB or EVA)一一The cutting action is complete and the entire artifact is transferred to the next segment tangent position(If you need to turn around and cut, you need to do it manually)一一Whole cutting is complete.一一Manually move the processed glass to the lower slide flip bracket with the air float assembly.
1. 整機配有自動定位機構,可在人機界面人工設定需要加工的長寬尺寸,彌補了之前幾代的人工定位造成的不準確和生產效率低下的缺點。
1. Can automatically set the cutting length width, labor saving.
2. Compare the previous ones,faster, more accurate.